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Basic CLI features

To view a list of all the available commands and options in your current Leverage version simply run leverage or leverage --help. You should get an output similar to this:

$ leverage
Usage: leverage [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Leverage Reference Architecture projects command-line tool.

  -v, --verbose  Increase output verbosity.
  --version      Show the version and exit.
  --help         Show this message and exit.

  aws          Run AWS CLI commands in a custom containerized environment.
  credentials  Manage AWS cli credentials.
  kc           Run Kubectl commands in a custom containerized environment.
  kubectl      Run Kubectl commands in a custom containerized environment.
  project      Manage a Leverage project.
  run          Perform specified task(s) and all of its dependencies.
  shell        Run a shell in a generic container.
  terraform    Run Terraform commands in a custom containerized...
  tf           Run Terraform commands in a custom containerized...
  tfautomv     Run TFAutomv commands in a custom containerized...

Similarly, subcommands provide further information by means of the --help flag. For example leverage tf --help.

Global options

  • -v | --verbose: Increases output verbosity.
    When running a command in a container, the tool provides a description of the container's configuration before the execution.
    This is specially useful if the user were to to have the need of recreating Leverage's behavior by themselves.

    $ leverage -v tf plan
    [20:27:44.758] DEBUG    Found config file /home/user/binbash/le-tf-infra-aws/build.env
    [20:27:44.812] DEBUG    Container configuration:
                              "image": "binbash/leverage-toolbox:1.5.0-0.2.3-1000-1000", #(1)!
                              "command": "",
                              "stdin_open": true,
                              "environment": { #(2)!
                                "COMMON_CONFIG_FILE": "/binbash/config/common.tfvars",
                                "ACCOUNT_CONFIG_FILE": "/binbash/apps-devstg/config/account.tfvars",
                                "BACKEND_CONFIG_FILE": "/binbash/apps-devstg/config/backend.tfvars",
                                "AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE": "/home/leverage/tmp/bb/credentials",
                                "AWS_CONFIG_FILE": "/home/leverage/tmp/bb/config",
                                "SRC_AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE": "/home/leverage/tmp/bb/credentials",
                                "SRC_AWS_CONFIG_FILE": "/home/leverage/tmp/bb/config",
                                "AWS_CACHE_DIR": "/home/leverage/tmp/bb/cache",
                                "SSO_CACHE_DIR": "/home/leverage/tmp/bb/sso/cache",
                                "SCRIPT_LOG_LEVEL": 3,
                                "MFA_SCRIPT_LOG_LEVEL": 3,
                                "SSH_AUTH_SOCK": "/ssh-agent"
                              "entrypoint": "/bin/terraform",
                              "working_dir": "/binbash/apps-devstg/us-east-1/k8s-eks/identities",
                              "host_config": {
                                "NetworkMode": "default",
                                "SecurityOpt": [
                                "Mounts": [ #(3)!
                                    "Target": "/binbash",
                                    "Source": "/home/user/binbash/le-tf-infra-aws",
                                    "Type": "bind",
                                    "ReadOnly": false
                                    "Target": "/home/leverage/tmp/bb",
                                    "Source": "/home/user/.aws/bb",
                                    "Type": "bind",
                                    "ReadOnly": false
                                    "Target": "/etc/gitconfig",
                                    "Source": "/home/user/.gitconfig",
                                    "Type": "bind",
                                    "ReadOnly": false
                                    "Target": "/ssh-agent",
                                    "Source": "/run/user/1000/keyring/ssh",
                                    "Type": "bind",
                                    "ReadOnly": false
    [20:27:44.825] INFO     Checking for local docker image, tag: 1.5.0-0.2.3-1000-1000...
    [20:27:44.851] INFO      OK
    [20:27:44.853] DEBUG    Checking for layer /home/user/binbash/le-tf-infra-aws/apps-devstg/us-east-1/k8s-eks/identities...
    [20:27:44.875] DEBUG    Checking layer /home/user/binbash/le-tf-infra-aws/apps-devstg/us-east-1/k8s-eks/identities...
    [20:27:44.876] DEBUG    Running command: sh -c 'cat $SSO_CACHE_DIR/token'
    [20:27:47.469] INFO     Attempting to get temporary credentials for shared account.
    [20:27:47.471] DEBUG    Token expiration time: 1740094585.0
                  DEBUG    Token renewal time: 1740182267.470991
    [20:27:47.472] DEBUG    Retrieving role credentials for DevOps...
    [20:27:48.558] INFO     Writing binbash-shared-devops profile
    [20:27:48.564] INFO     Credentials for shared account written successfully.
    [20:27:48.567] INFO     Attempting to get temporary credentials for apps-devstg account.
    [20:27:48.570] DEBUG    Token expiration time: 1740094584.0
    [20:27:48.571] DEBUG    Token renewal time: 1740182268.5704691
    [20:27:48.572] DEBUG    Retrieving role credentials for DevOps...
    [20:27:49.171] INFO     Writing binbash-apps-devstg-devops profile
    [20:27:49.177] INFO     Credentials for apps-devstg account written successfully.
    [20:27:49.182] DEBUG    Running command: plan -var-file=/binbash/config/common.tfvars -var-file=/binbash/apps-devstg/config/account.tfvars -var-file=/binbash/apps-devstg/config/backend.tfvars #(4)!

    1. Docker image being used
    2. Environment variables available in the container
    3. Mapping of the host (Source) directories and files into the container (Target)
    4. Command being executed (useful when trying to replicate Leverage's behavior by yourself)