Configuration ¶
User guide ¶
Pre-requisites ¶
You'll need an email to create and register your AWS Organization Management Account. For this purpose we recommend to avoid using a personal email account. Instead, whenever possible, it should ideally be associated, with a distribution list email such as a GSuite Group to ensure the proper admins member's team (DevOps | SecOps | Cloud Engineering Team) to manage its notifications avoiding a single point of contact (constraint).
Email setup example ¶
GSuite Group Email address:
(to which admins / owners belong), and then using the +
we generate
the aliases automatically implicitly when running Terraform's Leverage code.
Reference Code as example
# Project Prd: services and resources related to production are placed and
# maintained here.
resource "aws_organizations_account" "apps_prd" {
name = "apps-prd"
email = ""
parent_id =
Reference AWS Organization init workflow ¶
Steps for initial AWS Organization setup
Create a brand new AWS Account, intended to be our AWS Organization Management (root) Account
- Name:
, eg:leverage-management
- MFA: Enable MFA for your root user
- Billing: review billing setup as pre-requisite to deploy the AWS Org.
At your Management account billing setup
- Activate IAM User and Role Access to Billing Information
- If needed Update Alternate Contacts
- Name:
Via AWS Web Console: in
previously created account (eg, name:leverage-management
) create themgmt-org-admin
IAM user with Admin privileges (attach theAdministratorAccess
IAM managed policy and enable Web Console and programmatic access), which will be use for the initial AWS Org bootstrapping.NOTE: After it’s 1st execution only nominated Org admin users will persist in the
Via AWS Web Console: in
account createmgmt-org-admin
IAM user AWS ACCESS KEYSNOTE: This could be created all in one in the previous step (Nº 2).
Figure: AWS Web Console screenshot. (Source: binbash, "AWs Organization management account init IAM admin user", accessed June 16th 2021). Figure: AWS Web Console screenshot. (Source: binbash, "AWs Organization management account init IAM admin user", accessed June 16th 2021). -
Set your IAM credentials in the machine your're going to exec the
Leverage CLI
(remember this are themgmt-org-admin
temporary user credentials shown in the screenshot immediately above). -
Set up your Leverage reference architecture configs in order to work with your new account and `org-mgmt-admin IAM user
Setup and create the terraform remote state for the new AWS Org Management account
- terraform remote state config
- terraform remote state workflow
- terraform remote state ref code
You'll 1st get a local state and then you'll need to move your tf state to s3; validate it and finally delete local state files
The AWS Organization from the Reference Architecture /le-tf-infra-aws/root/global/organizations will be orchestrated using the
Leverage CLI
following the standard workflow.the Management account has to be imported into de the code.
Verify your Management account email address in order to invite existing (legacy) AWS accounts to join your organization.
Organization setup post-steps ¶
AWS Organization setup post-steps
Following the doc orchestrate vía the
Leverage CLI
workflow the Mgmt Account IAM layer (base-identities
) with the admin IAM Users (consider this/these users will have admin privileges over the entire AWS Org assuming theOrganizationAccountAccessRole
) -> le-tf-infra-aws/root/global/base-identitiesThe IAM role:
=> does not exist in the initial Management (root) account, this will be created by the code in this layer.
Mgmt account admin user permanent credentials set up => setup in your workstation the AWS credentials) for the
IAM role (project_short-root-oaar
, eg:bb-root-oaar
). Then validate within each initial mgmt account layer that the profilebb-root-oaar
is correctly configured at the below presented config files, as well as any other necessary setup. -
Setup (code and config files) and Orchestrate the
layer viaLeverage CLI
on your security account for consolidated and centralized User Mgmt and access to the AWS Org. -
Pending to document the debug mode for the mfa script