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GPG Keys

Why do we use GPG keys?

By default our Leverage Reference Architectre base-identities layer approach is to use IAM module to manage AWS IAM Users credentials with encryption to grant strong security.

This module outputs commands and GPG messages which can be decrypted either using command line to get AWS Web Console user's password and user's secret key.

Notes for keybase users

If possible, always use GPG encryption to prevent Terraform from keeping unencrypted password and access secret key in state file.

Keybase pre-requisites

When gpg_key is specified as keybase:username, make sure that the user public key has already been uploaded to the Reference Architecture base-identities layer keys folder

Managing your GPG keys

Create a key pair

  • NOTE: the user for whom this account is being created needs to do this
  • Install gpg
  • Run gpg --version to confirm
  • Run gpg --gen-key and provide "Your Name" and "Your Email" as instructed -- you must also provide a passphrase
  • Run gpg --list-keys to check that your key was generated

Delete a key pair

  • Run gpg --list-keys to check your key id
  • Run gpg --delete-secret-keys "Your Name" to delete your private gpg key
  • Run gpg --delete-key "Your Name" to delete your public gpg key

Export your public key

  • NOTE: the user must have created a key pair before doing this
  • Run gpg --export "Your Name" | base64
  • Now the user can share her/his public key for creating her/his account

Decrypt your encrypted password

  1. The user should copy the encrypted password from whatever media it was provided to her/him
  2. Run echo "YOUR ENCRYPTED STRING PASSWORD HERE" | base64 --decode > a_file_with_your_pass
    $ echo "wcBMA/ujy1wF7UPcAQgASLL/x8zz7OHIP+EHU7IAZfa1A9qD9ScP5orK1M473WlXVgPrded0iHpyZRwsJRS8Xe38AHZ65O6CnywdR522MbD\
    A4PgC+QPiJRb5kQ/mX8DheQfAHJ24iUZk1jh6AsA" | base64 --decode > encrypted_pass
  3. Run gpg --decrypt a_file_with_your_pass (in the path you've executed 2.) to effectively decrypt your pass using your gpg key and its passphrase
    $ gpg --decrypt encrypted_pass
    You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
    user: "Demo User (AWS org project-user acct gpg key w/ passphrase) <>"
    2048-bit RSA key, ID 05ED43DC, created 2019-03-15 (main key ID D64DD59F)
    gpg: encrypted with 2048-bit RSA key, ID 05ED43DC, created 2019-03-15
          "Demo User (AWS org project-user acct gpg key w/ passphrase) <>"
    ⚠ Depending on your shell version an extra % character could appear as shown below, you must disregard this character since it's not part of the Initial (one time) AWS Web Console password.
  4. If all went well, the decrypted password should be there

Workaround for Mac users

There are some situations where gpg keys generated on Mac don't work properly, generating errors like the following:

│ Error: error encrypting password during IAM User Login Profile (user.lastname) creation: Error encrypting Password: error parsing given PGP key: openpgp: unsupported feature: unsupported oid: 2b060104019755010501
│    with module.user["user.lastname"].aws_iam_user_login_profile.this[0],
│   on .terraform/modules/user/modules/iam-user/ line 12, in resource "aws_iam_user_login_profile" "this":
│   12: resource "aws_iam_user_login_profile" "this" {

🐳 Docker is required for this workaround.

If you don't have docker on your PC, don't worry. You can easily install it following the steps on the official page.

In these cases, execute the following steps:

  1. Run an interactive console into an ubuntu container mounting your gpg directory.

    docker run --rm -it --mount type=bind,src=/Users/username/.gnupg,dst=/root/.gnupg ubuntu:latest

  2. Inside the container, install required packages.

    apt update
    apt install gnupg

  3. Generate the key as described in previous sections, running gpg --gen-key at the interactive console in the ubuntu container.

  4. To fix permissions in your gpg directory, run these commands at the interactive console in the ubuntu container.

    find ~/.gnupg -type f -exec chmod 600 {} \;
    find ~/.gnupg -type d -exec chmod 700 {} \;

  5. Now you should be able to export the gpg key and decode the password from your mac, running gpg --export "Your Name" | base64.

  6. Finally, decrypt the password in your mac, executing:

    echo "YOUR ENCRYPTED STRING PASSWORD HERE" | base64 --decode > a_file_with_your_pass
    gpg --decrypt a_file_with_your_pass